Croesus and the Great Duck

I wrote this during a brief obsession with the storytelling possiblities of placentas. (I promise it’s a normal short story.)

The earliest version was for a class with southern hystericalist Jack Pendarvis, who showed me how to let my ideas off the leash and watch them tear into a crowded park.

When Croesus appeared in Unstuck (Vol 2), I fulfilled my lifelong dream of publishing a story where a naked ass “flaps like a paint-shaker.” (Really, it’s a normal story.)

I also got to put this in:

"She snuck out of the house the day I was going to introduce her to Leofrick’s eighth Nether Delight for the Lady Faire. It’s the first recorded mention of prolapse in Welsh."
— Uncle Piers via Crosesus and the Great Duck

(I promise that it’s actually quite a literary story.)

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Opening lines:

The ridiculously cool noir monster-duck illustration is by Eric Summers @ This picture launched the blog!

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